Section 122 of CGST Act - Penalty ...
Section 123 - Penalty for failure ...
Section 124 - Fine for failure to ...
Section 125 - General penalty...
Section 126 - General disciplines ...
Section 127 - Power to impose pena...
Section 128 - Power to waive penal...
Section 129 of CGST Act - Detentio...
Section 130 - Confiscation of good...
Section 131 - Confiscation or pena...
Section 132 of CGST Act - Punishme... Section 133 - Liability of officer... Section 134 - Cognizance of offenc... Section 135 - Presumption of culpa... Section 136 - Relevancy of stateme... Section 137 - Offences by companie... Section 138 - Compounding of offen... Section 122A Penalty for failure t... Section 128A. Waiver of interest o...Section 131 - Confiscation or penalty not to interfere with other punishments
131. Confiscation or penalty not to interfere with other punishments.[1]
Without prejudice to the provisions contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, no confiscation made or penalty imposed under the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder shall prevent the infliction of any other punishment to which the person affected thereby is liable under the provisions of this Act or under any other law for the time being in force. |
GST Gyaan | | CA Rajesh Ritolia - 9350171263